Monday, July 29, 2013

Science with a twist!

Science has always been a challenge that I had issues conquering. I loved watching the Magic School Bus when I was younger. Each week, I was always eager to go on the next science adventure with Ms. Frizzle and her class, but in class, science was never as fun as it was on the television show. As I got older, science became more difficult. I could never remember all of the elements on the periodic table, trying to label the planet cell confused me, and dissecting a frog right after lunch didn’t really agree with my stomach. Like that frog, I stunk at science. Physical Science, Biology, and Chemistry, you name it and I stunk at it. But it was not until the 9th grade that I discovered how much fun science could be.

My professor was teaching us about the freezing point and the transformations of solids, liquids, and gases. For weeks, we discussed how water evaporates into gas, how gas turns into a liquid, and how a liquid turns into a solid. After weeks of charts, diagrams, worksheets, and quizzes, it was finally time to see the transformation come to life. We watched how a liquid turned into a solid by making ice cream in a baggie. The experiment was interesting to watch, fun to make, and good to eat.

I learned that science can be fun when it is presented in different ways. I learned the importance of first learning the material from my textbook before trying the experiment, and I had a blast doing the experiment. This summer when you have nothing to do conduct a S.T.E.M. project and see how much fun you will have!!!

Cool off this summer and try this neat S.T.E.M. project “Ice Cream in a Baggie”

Thursday, July 18, 2013

This Is What Extraordinary Looks Like...

“The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.” ~C. Joy Bell C.


aith Mullins is truly a young woman of strength. Faith Mullins is the daughter of Hope Mullins. She is a native of Little Rock, Arkansas. She has been a Girl Scout for eleven years, and just recently became a lifetime member. Faith is a 2012 Gold Award Recipient who has given countless hours of service in the name of Girl Scouting. Faith has always had a soft spot for making the world a better place. For her Gold Award Project, Faith created a sustainable recycling program at her high school, Little Rock Central High School. She built a large and very active Environmental Club.  She started Central High School on the right steps to becoming a certified environmental friendly school.  Faith’s project increased the awareness of environmental problems throughout the school and her community.  She enjoys environmental activism and is still active in promoting recycling.  Faith is currently a student at Hendrix College pursuing her bachelor’s degree.

As a Girl Scout, she did not only discover her love for our planet, but she learned the importance of serving others. From her camp counselors, Girl Scout leaders, council staff, and fellow girl scouts, she learned what it meant to be strong. During her senior year, Faith was hit by a teen that was texting and driving. With 8 broken bones, including her arms and legs, Faith was unable to do many of the small tasks we take for granted every day. She was in the hospital for several months. She could have wallowed in pity and given up on life, but like the Girl Scout Law says, “I will do my best to be courageous and strong.” The Law that she stated from the time she was a Daisy Girl Scout to when she completed being an Ambassador Scout, and became a lifetime member, were not just words she quoted, but words she chose to live by.

After physical therapy sessions and various treatments, Faith can stand proudly and say “I am a strong and powerful young woman.” So many people were generous to Faith in her time of need that she felt it was her duty to pay it forward. “Without the generosity of dozens of people in my life I would have no hope of being where I am now. And I want to become one of those generous people.” Faith has brought to life the phrase “be a sister to every Girl Scout” with her generosity. Faith has doubled the scholarship money for the 2013 Gold Award Recipients. Her spirit and dedication serves as a shining example of Juliette’s vision for girls in the Girl Scout Movement. Faith Mullins’ is what extraordinary looks like. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Three reason why you should attend the 2013 Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference!!!

We’re counting down the days until the big event! The Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference are just a few short days away and we can’t wait to see your sweet, smiling faces this weekend. The Annual Meeting and the Leadership Conference is an event that we are encouraging Girl Scouts, volunteers, alumnae, parents, and council members to attend. Here are three reasons why you should attend the Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference!

First, the Leadership Conference! The Leadership Conference offers several leadership courses that you can attend. When you see courses, don’t freak out, because these courses are designed to keep you up-to-date and in the know about the coolest new activities. Check out our “Yoga and You” class that will relax your mind, body, and spirit, or our “Social Butterfly” class which will give you great tips about the latest social media. These aren’t you average courses! They are hands-on, interactive, and most of all FUN!!!

Second, the Annual Meeting! During the Annual Meeting we will be acknowledging the hard work of our council members, volunteers, and Girl Scouts. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect new Directors and Board Officers for the Council and to discuss any old or new business within the council. During the Annual Meeting this is the opportunity to let your voice be heard!!! You as a Girl Scout have the power to not only let your voice be heard by your troop, but by the entire Girl Scouts – Diamonds Council. If elected you have the ability to be the voice of the girls! Think about running for an office and let your voice be heard!

The final reason to come to the Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference is the chance to meet new people from all over the council who share the same passion for Girl Scouts as you. The Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference allows Girl Scouts to meet the movers and shakers of the council as well as gives the staff, alumnae, and council members a chance to meet the future movers and shakers of the Girl Scout Diamonds Council. This event is a great time to network, swap ideas, meet new people, and have a good time!!!

The three reasons to attend the Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference are quite simple:

1.    Cool, fun, and interactive classes!!! (The Leadership Conference)
2.    Be the voice of the girls!!! (The Annual Meeting)
3.    Meet new people who share your passion for Girl Scouts!!!

We hope these reasons for attending have you as excited as we are about the Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference!!! Get your passport now and be ready to fly into the future with us on Friday!!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Find out what Girl Scout Cookie fits your personality!!!

Check out the results of your Girl Scout Cookie Personality Quiz!!! What Girl Scout Cookie are you???

Savannah Smiles: You have a very adventurous personality! Instead of being cooped up inside, you’d rather be at the beach in the sand, walking a nature trail, or just outside! You love to go exploring and you are always up for a challenge. You like to play sports and you find yourself always going from one activity to another.  You are into a variety of different activities and you enjoy them all. You are always happy and making jokes.  Your friends always laugh when you are around because you are so funny.  Your friends know they can come to you to feel better because you can be serious, but you also know how to lighten the mood. Like your cookie you're zesty, cheerful, outgoing and fun. You care deeply about feeding your mind, body, and soul and strive to live a healthy, happy lifestyle. You're an intuitive listener; you love animals and the outdoors. You do the right thing in your own quiet way. You would rather not have confrontation and conflict. Your friends say you are easy to get along with. You are just a bowl full of sunshine!

Samoas: The world is your stage and you are ready to take it on!! You are very smart, at times brainy, yet complex. You are a very hard worker. You are creative whether with music, art, dance, or theatre…you have a passion that gravitates towards the finer things in life. When you put your mind to something, you always get it done.  You also love to try new things and you are not afraid of what anyone else thinks of you as long as you are enjoying what you are doing. Never one to shy away from excess, you're a freewheeling bon vivant with a large network of loyal friends and admirers. Thoughtful, creative, and discerning, you may err on the side of snobby, but luckily you're charming enough to get away with it. At times people may think they know you, but you also hold an err of mystery about yourself that will surprise even your closest friends! Like your cookie, you are a mysterious delight who always keep people on their toes!

Thin Mints: You’re a social butterfly all the way!!! You have a bubbly personality. Hang out with your friends and talking to them is your favorite pastime. You are very social and get along with everyone. You are always happy and you brighten up everyone’s day. Everyone who meets you is your friend. You are very dependable; your friends can always count on you to cheer them up and you always see the bright side of the situation at hand. A pop culture savant, you're always on to the next big thing in food, fashion, movies, and music. With that minty breath, you are popular, magnetic, the center of attention. Mirroring your cookie of choice, you have a smooth, even disposition with just a bit of bite. Your brisk, outgoing attitude and whip-smart sense of humor ensure that you're never without plans on a Friday night -- but you're also confident enough to roll solo. You've got a bit of an edge -- you're a maverick, a person of diverse tastes and interests. While you may get bored easily, you're never boring. Viva variety!  You are one smart cookie!  You are focused and you never let any obstacles get in your way.

Trefoils: You don't chase trends -- you stick with what's classic. You keep things simple. You have a reserved personality. You are always quiet until you get to know someone, then you talk all the time. You cherish your family traditions. A bit of a homebody, you like to be surrounded by close friends, home-cooked meals, and high-quality scented candles. You like to entertain, and whether throwing a casual BBQ or a dinner party for 8, you pull it off with grace, decorum, and attention to detail. You are mellow, genial, and easy-to-please.  You have a funny personality too that you show only when you are around your friends and family.  You are easy to trust and you are always ready to help the ones that you care about.  You tend to be a diplomat and a peacemaker, whether at work or on the home front. You manage to be mature and responsible without being judge-y -- an appealing combo.  You are a very smart cookie and very hardworking! You are responsible and keep track of all your work. You also work very hard to get the results you want. Your friends find you Trust-worthy, understanding, reliable and kind. You find beauty in everything. You are the classic girl next door! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Girl Scouts-Diamonds love our troops!!!

Just because cookie season is over doesn’t mean people don’t have Girl Scout Cookies on the brain!!! Did you know that the Cookie Program doesn’t end once you’ve turned in your cookie money and received your cookie badge? We order extra cookies just in case many of you eat all of yours while watching an episode of The Voice. The Girl Scouts –Diamonds office had tons of cookies leftover, so we decided to make the world a better place one box of Girl Scout Cookies at a time.

Girl Scouts – Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas donated 203 cases and 11 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to the Arkansas Army National Guard.We donated to soldiers at Camp Robinson in North Little Rock and to soldiers in Fort Smith. Two soldiers along with Girl Scouts- Diamonds staff helped load all the cookies into the truck. 

The truck was packed with so many cookies that we could hardly close the trunk. Not only did they receive Girl Scout Cookies, but also thank you cards from some of the Girl Scouts in the council. We hope the soldiers enjoy their tasty treats! 

Soldiers from Camp Robinson weren’t the only ones to get Girl Scout cookies. Little Rock Air Force Base Airman and Family Readiness Center also received a sweet treat! Girl Scouts – Diamonds donated 191 cases of Girl Scout cookies to the men and women of the Air Force Base and the Family Center. 

The cookies will be used in various ways. The family center will give a few cases to their new food pantry; many of the cookies will go into care packages for soldiers being deployed and soldiers returning from deployment. The cookies will also be used at the day care, during training, meetings, classes and more!

When a soldier opens their care package that was packed with love, appreciation, and gratitude and he or she sees a brightly colored box with a smiling girl on the front panel, we hope that solider thinks of Girl Scouts- Diamonds and smiles, because Girl Scouts – Diamonds love our troops!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

When I think of July 4th...

The savory aroma of hamburgers and hot dogs sizzling on the grill, dressing from head to toe in your patriotic attire with the matching beach towel, landing the perfect cannonball off the diving board into a cool, crystal blue pool, gazing at the fireworks as they rocket off into the night sky, exploding into shades of reds, whites, and blues. This has always been what comes to mind when I think about Fourth of July. It is a time to enjoy summer, be surrounded by family and friends, and celebrate the day we became the United States of America!

Fourth of July or Independence Day is a celebration that recognizes us declaring our independence from Great Britain. Although Congress voted for independence July 2nd, it was not until two days later that delegates adopted the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, making July 4th the United States’ birthday. Many people celebrate with fireworks, barbecues, and parades. How do you celebrate Independence Day with you family and friends?

We learn in school lots of facts about our country, but just in case you forgot check out a few fun facts about the United States of America and the Fourth of July that you may or may not have known!

·       Did you know The "Star Spangled Banner" written by Francis Scott Key was originally a poem and not a song? He wrote it in 1814. It was later put to music, but not decreed the official national anthem until 1931. 
·       Benjamin Franklin was the oldest person to sign the Declaration of Independence. He was 70 years old!!!
·        The Fourth of July became an unpaid holiday for federal workers in 1870. In 1938 it became a paid holiday, and in 1941, it was declared a federal holiday.
·        Americans spend around 211 million dollars every year on fireworks.
·        More than 74 million people will have an Independence Day cookout.
·        Approximately 150 million hot dogs are consumed on this day.
 Eat a hotdog, take a swim, and enjoy the Fourth of July with family and friends! Girl Scouts- Diamonds of
Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas want to wish you and your family a safe and Happy Fourth of July!

P.S. – Last day to register online for the Annual Meeting is Friday, July 5th! Have you registered???

Monday, July 1, 2013

Minty's Visit to Camp Crossed Arrows

Name: Minty Jade Beardon
Hometown: Thinmintoville, U.S.A.
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Hobby: Painting, Fishing, and Singing
Favorite Girl Scout Song: Princess Pat

Hi! My name is Minty. I am a Daisy Girl Scout and this is my first time to ever be a Girl Scout. I am nervous about meeting new people, but I know I will have fun. I want to do everything that Girl Scouts do. My mom signed me up for camp and I was super nervous, because I didn’t know anyone there. I went all by myself to Camp Cross Arrows. I met a lot of new friends and had lots of fun. You want to hear about my first camp experience?

We got up early in the morning to head to camp. It took a long time to get there.

I went to sleep in the car, because I was so tired. When we finally got there it began to rain. My mom checked me in to camp and I met the Camp Director, Linda Archer. We got to call her Nike, because that’s her camp name. All the grownups had really cool camp names. When I get big I want a fun camp name too, like Cookie or Crayon. Do you have a camp name?

 We did a lot of cool stuff the whole week. We made tie dye shirts, clothespin dolls, and friendship bracelets. I also got to ride on a horse. That was my first time ever to get on a horse. It was so cool.

We also got to canoe, swim, and rock climb. After lunch we had a dance party and we sang camp songs. I liked singing the camp songs! My favorite part of camp was meeting all my new friends. We had a lot of fun. I met girls from Texarkana, Batesville, Maumelle, and Jonesboro. That’s a lot of places.

I had a blast at camp! I was kind of sad on the last day when my mom came to pick me up. I didn’t want to leave camp or my new friends. But mom said I can come back again. I can’t wait!!! I wonder how many days I have until next summer, because I can’t wait to go back to camp!


See you soon,
